Count time (fixed SLA Time) - simply enter a fraction of time (e.g. 5h 20m). You can use hours (h) and minutes (m) there.
Time from field (individual SLA Time) - use it when you need to enter time on the issue level. The SLA value will be taken from a selected number field in hours or in minutes.
Date from field - uses the Date/DateTime field as a direct SLA deadline (e.g. Due Date or the Date/DateTime custom field). Please note that any deadline is not moving forward automatically when SLA Metric is paused. You can select the beginning of the day or the end of the day.
No deadline - if you select this option no deadline will be calculated for issues not matching any other goal, but the SLA timer will be working and calculating the time spent on an issue. This option is useful when you want to track time for internal issues or simply monitor time without setting any deadline.
- Round up to the end of the working day checkbox is available for the Count time and Time from field options. If checked, the deadline will be automatically rounded up to the end of the working day according to SLA Calendar. Please note that pausing the SLA Metric may change the deadline to the next day.