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To see what's the real power of the Workflow PowerBox Templates, you have to understand what is a workflow itself. Simply told, it is a set of statusstatuses and transitions moving progressing issues from one status to another.

While creating a workflow, you can design its transitions taking into account post functions and constraints such as validators and conditions. Possibilities The possibilities are almost endless. But what should be done in a situation when you have to manage multiple complex workflows that are associated with different projects?

Adding all conditions, validators and postfunctions becomes , and post functions manually is a very complex and time-consuming work. Every single transition has to be updated with conditions, validators and post functions manually. It's particularly hard when you often use similar sets of transition elements.

This is when worfklow workflow templates come in handy.

Now you are able to create a whole package of transition elements, bundle them with a template and then add them easily and quickly to your workflow transitions. You can create your own condition templates, validator templates and post function templates. Each of them can be created and edited independently giving you a lot of options so that you can manage your workflow transitions effectively.
