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    Table of Contents

Creating validator template

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose  > Issues. Select Workflows > Validator Templates to open the Validator Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing validator templates
  2. Click the Add Template button. The dialog displays the Template's Name and Description fields. 
  3. You can also insert a message for users that will be displayed when validation would fail.
  4. Fill in the fields and confirm with the Add button
    (info) Note that a newly created template is inactive as default


Adding Validators to Validator Template

  1. To define your template you need to add desired validators.
    Select the Add Validator button to open the list of available validators to choose from. Click on the chosen one and confirm it with the Add button
  2. The unique feature of our plugin is that you can construct complex validation rules by grouping simple validators in logical groups, the same as with conditions templates. In order to do so, you need to change any validator into a group by clicking the 'Add grouped validator' icon for the validator:

Editing validator template

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose   > Issues. Select Workflows > Validator Templates to open the Validator Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing validator templates
  3. Click the Edit Template button.

Executing validator template


Executing a template means nothing more than adding a template to the chosen transition in a workflow. In order to do so you have to:


  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose   > Issues. Select Workflows > Workflows to open the workflows page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing workflows
  2. As soon as you have all workflows listed, you have to select one of them and click the Edit button in the Operations section. You will be redirected to the Edit Worklow page where you can see all the transitions that take place
  3. Click a desired transition and then choose which of the worfklow elements you want to extend (conditions, validators or post functions) with a predefined template by clicking Add validator.
  4. From the list of validators choose the Run Validator Templates option and confirm with the Add button.
  5. Choose a any previously created predefined template you want and add those parameters to your validator.
  6. Your template will be added to the list of validators that will run for this particular transition.

Disabling a template

Once your template is active you can always disable it.

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose   > Issues. Select Workflows > Validator Templates to open the Validator Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing validator templates
  3. Click the Edit Template button.

Importing templates

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose   > Issues. Select Workflows > Validator Templates to open the Validator Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing validator templates
  2. Click the Import button.
  3. Choose the XML file you want to upload and then accept your choice with the Import button.

Exporting templates

Already created templates can be exported at any time to the XML file to your drive. In order to do so:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose   > Issues. Select Workflows > Validator Templates to open the Validator Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing validator templates
  3. Select template that you want to be exported and click Edit in Operations section
  4. As soon as you choose the Export button, your template will be downloaded.

Customizing Validation error message

Each validator template allows you to define your own validation error message. It makes templates very useful for end users as what they see is the user-friendly information in their own language. E.g. if your JIRA is used by German, Spanish or Korean users, they can define their own validation error message.

When you create a new validator template please fill in the "Fail Validation Message" field. It's simple! It's also possible to add all messages from failed underlying validators by ticking the "Include message from validators" option.

If you want to change your validation error message, please click the Edit template button and then the  button located next to the template's name.

Logical operators in validations

The possibility to execute validators in a logical sequence in the same way as JIRA originally allows to do for conditions is a great advantage of using Validator templates.

Creating grouped validators is as easy as doing it with conditions. Just click the icon.

Inversing validation result

 Templates allow you to "inverse" a validation result. As a result, any failed validator is be treated as passed and the other way round. This option is especially useful when you look for a way to run "except-type" validation similar to "Field have to be empty".

 To inverse a validator result add a validator to a template then click the  inversion button located in the action bar.

The inversion indicator is displayed next to the validator's name. You can easily find all inversed validators when editing a template.

When a validator is inversed you can see it as shown above. It's marked with the inversion indicator.