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JIRA IRA allows to add and modify all custom fields, including the SLA Metric.In JIRA system you can modify each of the custom fields by changing the following:

  • Name — the label that appears to the left of the custom field displayed to a user. Read more
  • Description — the help text that appears below the custom field displayed in the Simple Search column. Read more
  • Search Template — the mechanism that allows to make the custom field searchableRead more
  • Default Value — the default value of the custom field displayed to a user.  Read more
  • Options (for Select and Multi-Select fields only) — the range of values that users can choose.Read more
  • Context — the combination of project(s) and issue type(s) for which a given Default Value and Options will apply. Read more
    (info) Tip: You can create multiple Contexts, that allow to set different Default Values and Options for different combinations of projects and/or issue types.
  • Screens — the screen(s) on which the custom field will appear when an issue is created, edited or transitioned through workflow. Read more (also see Defining a Screen).
  • Renderers — see Configuring Renderers and Specifying Field Behaviour.
  • Hide/Show — see Specifying Field Behaviour.
  • Required/Optional — see Specifying Field Behaviour.

Viewing SLA Metric Field

To view the SLA Metric field in your JIRA system:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose  > Issues. Select Fields > Custom Fields to open the Custom Fields page.
  3. Select SLA Metric from the list.

Editing SLA Metric Field

Editing SLA Metric field allows you to change its Name (label), Description (Help text) and Search Template.

To edit a field:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the SLA Metric field and choose  > Edit:
    • The Name is the label that appears to the left of the custom field when it is displayed to a user.
    • The Description is the help text that appears below the custom field when it is displayed in the Simple Search column.

    • Search Templates are responsible for indexing a custom field as well as making it searchable via Simple Search and Advanced Search (note that custom fields are not searchable via Quick Search). Every custom field type has a predefined search template, but you may select a different template using this procedure.

  2. Modify the fields as desired and click Update.

Configuring SLA Metric Field

The custom field context – also known as custom field configuration scheme is not related to the field configuration scheme – specifies the following for the field:

You can create multiple contexts if you need to associate different default values and options with particular projects or issue types.

Each custom field has a context named Default Configuration Scheme for ..., which is created automatically when you add your custom field.


To change the project(s) and issue type(s) to which a given Default Value and Options apply:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the desired field and choose > Configure.
  2. Locate the context named Default Configuration Scheme for ... and click the Edit Configuration link.
  3. Under heading Choose applicable issue types, select the issue type(s) to which you want this Default Value
     and Options to be applied. You can select Any issue types if you wish.
  4. Under heading Choose applicable contexts, select the project(s) to which you want this Default Value and Options to be applied. Note that this will apply only to issues with selected issue type(s) as above.

Adding a new context

Adding a new context allows you to configure a field differently for different combinations of issue types and projects.

To add a new context:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the desired field and choose  > Configure.
  2. Click the Add new context link. The 'Add configuration scheme context' page will be displayed (see below).
    • Under heading  'Add configuration scheme context', enter a 'Label' and 'Description' for your new context — these are used for administrative purposes only and will not be shown to end-users.
    • Under heading  'Choose applicable issue types', select the issue type(s) to which you want this Default Value and Options to be applied. You can select Any issue types if you wish.
    • Under heading  'Choose applicable contexts', select the project(s) to which you want this Default  

(info) Tip: Field can only have one context per JIRA project. So you cannot have multiple contexts for different issue types in the same project.

Default value

To edit the default value first displayed to a user:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the desired field and choose Image Removed > Configure.
  2. Locate the relevant context (there will usually only be one, named 'Default Configuration Scheme for ...') and click the Edit Default Value link in the right-hand column. The 'Set Custom Field Defaults' page will be displayed. and will be particular to the custom field type:
    • (For a Select List or Multi-Select List) Select appropriate default value from the drop-down list.
      (info) To clear the default value, click on the current default value so it is no longer highlighted and then save, as described hereUnable to De-select Default Value for Multi Select Custom Field.
    • (For a Cascading Select List) Select appropriate default values from the drop-down lists (one for each level).
    • (For a Date field) Specify a date, or tick the check-box to make current date default.
    • (For other types of fields) Type appropriate default values from the drop-down lists (one for each level).
      (info) Certain types of custom fields, such as calculated custom fields, may not allow the defaults to be selected and will not have the Edit Default Value link.


You can set the following types of values for custom fields:

  • Select lists
  • Multi select lists
  • Cascading selects lists
  • Radio buttons
  • Multi check-boxes

You can add, remove, re-order, sort the options alphabetically, and edit the text of an option value. You can also have HTML in an option value — be sure to use complete tag pairs, and check if the HTML displays correctly.

(info) These options are case insensitive, so when using a select or multi-select list for a notification scheme, JIRA-ADMINISTRATORS will match the jira-administrators group. This means you cannot have both a JIRA-ADMINSITRATORS and a jira-administrators option, as they have the same name.

To edit field's options:

  • Navigate to the Custom Fields page, locate the desired  field and choose Image Removed > Configure.
  • Locate the relevant context (usually there will only be one, named 'Default Configuration Scheme for ...'), and click the Options link in the right-hand column. The 'Edit Custom Field Options' page will be displayed (see below). There you can:
  • Select from the Edit parent select list drop-down to choose which list to edit. (For a Cascading Select List only)
  • Click Sort alphabetically to automatically re-order the options alphabetically.
  • Click the arrows in the Order column, or specify a number and click the Move button, to re-order the options manually.
  • Click Edit to change the text of an option.
  • Click Disable to hide an option so that it is no longer available for selection. Options that have been used cannot be removed (to preserve data integrity), but due to changing business requirements, they may become invalid over time and so you may wish to make them unavailable for new issues.
  • Click Delete to remove an option. (This will only be possible for options that have not been used.)

    Choosing screens

    To choose Screens on which a field will appear:

    1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the desired field and choose  > Screens.
    2. Select the check boxes of the screens on which you wish to display this custom field.
      (info) Note that field visibility depends on the field configuration (which is not related to the custom field configuration scheme described above). Refer to Specifying Field Behavior for more information.

    Translating a field

    You can translate the name and description of any field that you create into another language. You can only select from the language packs that are installed in JIRA.

    To translate the field and description of a custom field to another language:

    1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page (proceed as described above), locate the desired custom field and choose  > Translate.
    2. Choose the language pack that this custom field translation will belong to (e.g. French)