Sam techniczny opis dodaj/edytuj/usuń jest mniej istotny, ale też powinien być. Unknown User (agnieszka.dunin@coresoftlabs.com) spróbuj zrobić to w czwartek, ja wprowadzę korekty i na to samo kopyto zrobimy pozostałe strony
How It Works
SLA Goal automatically assigns time limit to an issue. The issue is chosen according to predefined criteria. Time is measured according to the chosen SLA Calendar's settings
Defining SLA Goals
In the admin panel you can define SLA Goals by setting:
- Issues based on JQL functions.
- The goal that includes time measurement method and time limit.
- The SLA Calendar according to which the time will be measured.
Time from field copies the time value from any other JIRA field.
Set deadline date sets deadline to an issue.
Events triggering time measurements are defined in SLA Behaviours.
SLA Calendar
Choose one of your SLA Calendars so that the time is measured in accordance with the calendar approved in your SLA.