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If you do not know what feeds and announcements are, click here.

Firstly log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

The first thing to do when admin starting to use the application is to create the first feed (the set of announcements).
To do this, go to the Feed tab in the Top Menu and select from the list: Create feed. 

Recent FeedsList of the five most recently created feeds
Create feedStart the process of creating a feed
View all feedsA view of all created feeds


After clicking "Create feed" there will be new window (pop-up) in which the administrator can create a feed in four steps.

Step 1 - Feed Type 

At this point administrators you can specify:

  • Type (Global or Project) - the feed should include all users or only those who have access to the selected project,
  • System (Jira or Service Desk),
  • Place - where they want to the feed appear (Top Bar, Dialog etc.

Step 2 - Appearance 

This part is responsible for:

  • Feed name & description - name will be visible to users, and description only for administrators,
  • Background & text colour -  colors can distinguish announcements which will be included in this feed, 
  • Response buttons buttons - buttons for users, 
  • Page size 


Note: If the None button is selected, announcements will not collect feedback from users

Step 3 - Permissions 

A very important part during creation, in which administrators determine:

  • Audience -  target group of recipients of announcements,
  • Manage feed - users who will can manage this feed.

Step 4 - Feedback 

The application allows to collect feedback from users. 
Admins can control results of announcements.

At this place, users should be introduced who will be able to view the answers to the announcements.

Step 5 - Add content 

This step concerns is for adding the announcement.
There is no need to create it right now - admins can add next and next announcements anytime they want.


Edycja feedu 


Firstly log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

To start editing, go to the Feeds tab in the Top Menu and select View all feeds. 
Następnie po rozwinięciu wybranego feedu należy kliknąć opcję Edit. 

Administrator może w każdej chwili edytować feed. 
Edycji podlegają wszystkie rzeczy, które były ustalone podczas tworzenia feedu. 


Then, if you selected feed, click Edit.

You can edit the feed at any time.
All items that were set when the feed was created are subject to editing.


Deaktywacja feedu 

Firstly log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

Aby deaktywować feed należy wejść w zakładkę Feeds w Top Menu i wybrać View all feeds. 
Następnie po rozwinięciu wybranego feedu należy kliknąć opcję Edit. 
Po przejściu w zakładkę Appearance należy odnaleźć przycisk Status, który odpowiada za (de)aktywowanie feedu. 
