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  1. Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission.

  2. Navigate to Admin menu → Manage apps → Communities.

  3. Go to the Product Setting page.

  4. Enable desired functionality → press Save.

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Public Access

When Public access is enabled, external users will be able to self-register and create an account in Jira Internal Directory. Those users will not have access to your Jira instance and DO NOT count towards your license limit.


You can add portal users to a separate group or/and select a separate directory for them in case you’re willing to distinguish Communities users in your system. 

Mail Notification

If checked Project Admins will be able to configure Portal notification for Communities and/or enable Jira standard notifications for the Communities project. 

Anonymous portals

If checked Portal Admins can allow users to access Communities without having an account. Anonymous users can view Posts created by other users, attachments, current statuses and public comments. Anonymous users cannot add new Posts, comment , and vote and search within the Portal. 


List of projects for which Communities is enabled.