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Incident Templates are predefined parameters of issues to be created when a service fails.

You may use a single template in one or more services and use replaceable tags to customize the template.

Setting up a template



an Incident


Template using the Add Incident Templates button

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission. Choose  Pulse> Incident Templates. Select Incident Templates to open the Services page.
    (info) Tip: Use Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing Incident Templates.

    Image Modified

  2. Click the Add Templates button. 
  3. Configure the selection criteria of Create new Incident Template Data for your field by adding the Name for a Services service and optionally its description. 


  1. Configure the selection criteria of Issue Settings or your field by adding the Project, the Issue Type, the Priority, the Summary, the Reporter and the Close Issue Action Id. You can optionally fill in the gaps in the remaining field. 
  2. (info) Tip: You can use some service parameters in issue attributes. 

  3. Confirm your choice with with the Create button or cancel the process by clicking the Cancel link.


Currently we support 8 tags:

(info) Tip: The following tag tags give an evidence context of issue attributes.

$serviceName$ This tag will be replaced with the name of the service.
$serviceType$ This tag will be replaced with a type of service (the name of the protocol used in the service).
$serviceAvailabilityTestResult$This tag will be replaced with the test result.

This tag will be returned return the information about the availability test result (positive or negative). If result is negative, you will receive more information.


This tag will be returned return the information about the protocol value.


This tag will be returned tag will return the information about the correctness of test results (positive or negative). It is possible to customise the alert range.


This tag will be returned information tag will return the information about about positive or negative value values of the test results.

$currentDate$ This tag will be returned information about tag will return the information about about the current date.



ng an Incident Template

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose the cog icon  > Add-ons. Select Incident Templates to open services the Services page.
    (info) Tip: Use Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing services.
  2. Select desired Incident Templates and click click the Edit button in the Options section.
  3. Edit parameters and confirm with with the Save button.
  4. Cancel process by clicking the Cancel link.

Deleting Services 


To In order to make it possible to remove Incident Templates, none of the defined services may not be assign with can be assigned to it.

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose cog icon  > Add-ons. SelecIncident Templates to open services page.
    (info) Tip: Use Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing services.
  2. Select desired services and click click the Delete button in the Options section.
  3. Confirm with with the Delete link.
  4. Cancel the process by clicking clicking the Cancel link.