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Each SLA Action responds to


a Jira issue event. Additional parameters conditioning action's execution may be assigned to SLA Action.
The name of SLA Action will be visible in the SLA History tab panel


in the view issue screen. 


(info) Tip: SLA Actions




  • Start
  • Pause
  • Resume
  • Finish
  • Cancel


actions: Start, Pause, Resume, Finish, Cancel or Restart.

Adding SLA Actions

  1. Log in as a user with the 


  1. Jira Administrators global permission.


  1. Image Added > Add-ons. Select SLA PowerBox >


  1. SLA Behaviours to open the


  1. SLA Behaviours page.
    (info) Tip:


  1. Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing sla


  1. behaviour 
  2. Click the Add


  1. SLA Behaviour button.
  2. Select Event-Based Behaviour, then click Next.
  3. Fill in the Name (necessary and unique) and Description (optional) fields. 
    Image Added

  4. Click the Add Action button.
  5. Set the parameters (SLA Action,


  1. Issue Event) based on your needs. Confirm with the Add button.
    Image Added
  2. Click the Add Condition button


  1. to add conditions to your SLA Action. Confirm with the Add button.
    Image Added

  2. You can set up the priorities by clicking on the Priorities tab.
    Go back to managing Actions by clicking back on the States tab. More information about SLA Parameters can be found in the section below.
    Image Added

  3. Added actions will be displayed on


  1. the main SLA Behaviours page.







If multiple SLA Actions are assigned to


one event, SLA Actions are performed in order that depends on their priorities.

  • High
  • Normal
  • Low





The default priority is


: Normal.



multiple SLA Actions have the same priority assigned, they


are fired according to the specific sequence, which is:

  1. Start


  1. Pause,
  2. Resume, 
  3. Finish


Issue Event


  1. Cancel,
  2. Restart.

Actions with the highest priority are located at the top of the list.  

Issue Events

SLA Actions depend on the issue events occurrences. You can choose issue events from the list



  • Issue Created
  • Issue Updated
  • Issue Assigned
  • Issue Resolved
  • Issue Closed
  • Issue Commented
  • Issue Comment Edited
  • Issue Comment Deleted
  • Issue Reopened
  • Issue Deleted
  • Issue Moved
  • Work Logged on Issue
  • Work Started on Issue
  • Work Stopped on Issue
  • Issue Worklog Updated
  • Issue Worklog Deleted
  • Generic Event

These are the standard Events


offered by


Jira. You can always define custom events. Custom events can trigger SLA Actions too. 

Adding a custom event

  1. Log in as a user with the 


  1. Jira Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose 


  1. Image Added > System. Select Advanced > Events to open the View Events page.
    (tick) Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing events
  2. In the Add New Event form at the bottom of the page


  1. add


  1. the Name and Description for


  1. a custom event.
  2. In the Template field, select the default email template to be associated with the event.
  3. Click the Add button.


A custom event must be associated with a default email notification template. A notification scheme configured to notify users of


the event will use this email template when sending the notification. The custom event will appear in the list of events defined within the system. Initially, the event will be marked as inactive as it is not associated with a notification scheme or workflow post-function. Some events are fired by


Jira internally — e.g. an Issue Updated or Issue Moved event. Other events are fired



an Issue Resolved event, or a Custom


Event. All added custom events will be fired within workflow transition post-functions.

Configuring a post function to fire the custom event

  1. Log in as a user with the 


  1. Jira Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose 


  1. Image Added > 


  1. Issues. Select Workflows to open the Workflows page, which displays all


  1. the workflows in your system.
    (tick) Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing workflows
  2. Navigate to workflow transition post-function screen to be edited. See Configuring Workflow



  1.  for more information.


  1. Update the post function to fire the custom event.
  2. Activate or associate the workflow (and scheme) with the appropriate project. See Activating workflow for more information.

Additional parameters

There is a possibility to restrict launching actions only to the specific events. In order to do so you have to select basic fields (i.e. Issue type, Issue Status, Resolution Date) or define


these parameters by using simple or advanced JQL. These features guarantee that:

  • An action is fired only if it


  • is result of a JQL Query.
  • An action is fired only if a JQL Query returns


  • specific number of results.
    • JQL can consists of tags such as


    • e.


    • g. $$PROJECT_KEY$$ that will be replaced with values


    • from the desired issue.
  • An action is fired only if the parameters of an issue - for which the action is fired - have certain values.

Editing SLA Actions

  1. Log in as a user with the 


  1. Jira Administrators global permission.


  1. Image Added > Add-ons.


  1. Select SLA PowerBox > SLA


  1. Behaviours to open the SLA


  1. Behaviours page.
    (info) Tip: Use Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing sla


  1. behaviour 
  2. Select a desired behaviour and click the Edit link in the Operations section.
  3. Choose a desired Action from the tiles


  1. .
  2. Click 


  1. Image Added > Edit or click the name link of an action.
  2. Change desired parameters and


  1. confirm with the Save button.

Image Added

Deleting SLA Actions

  1. Log in as a user with the 


  1. Jira Administrators global permission.


  1. Image Added > Add-ons. Select SLA PowerBox > SLA


  1. Behaviours to open the


  1. created SLA Behaviours page.
    (info) Tip:


  1. Use a Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing sla


  1. behaviour
  2. Select a desired behaviour and click the Delete link in the Operations section.
  3. Confirm with the Delete button.