SLA Agreements are containers that contain and combine such parameters including as SLA Metric, SLA Behaviours and SLA Goals , so that you can manage your SLAs and their requirements in JIRAJira.
Adding SLA Agreements
Log in as a user with the
JIRAJira Administrators global permission.
Choose > Add-onsGo to Manage apps. Select SLA PowerBox > SLA Agreements to open the SLA Agreements page.
Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing
SLA AgreementsSLA agreements.
Click the Add SLA Agreement button.
fieldthe fields: Name, Description and select SLA Metric, SLA Behaviour
,and SLA Goal. Confirm your choice by clicking Create.
SelectingWhen selecting the SLA Metric, SLA Configuration and SLA Goal are required.
The latest SLA PowerBox plugin version gives you more configuration options when creating a new agreement.
There are four new tabs:
Project mapping - where you decide which project and issue type the agreement will be assigned to.
Field Behaviour and Goal - where you decide whether your SLA behaviour will be status- or event-based, what are your SLA Goal and your Goal
update strategy.
Visibility - where you decide who is permitted to view the agreement and change some additional settings as users are able to hide certain elements by selecting the options as shown below:
Notifications - where you select a notification scheme and a service manager.
JQL Context User - auser who will be added to query context.
Some functions (e.g. iqlFunction ) do not support overriding security settings. Such functions extract users from the context in order to check the permission. Selecting a user for JQL Context will ensure that SLA Goals and/or SLA Behaviours won't vary based on the user working on the issue.
Editing SLA Configuration
Log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission. Go to Manage apps > select SLA PowerBox > SLA Agreements to open the SLA Agreements page.
Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing SLA agreements.
Click the Edit button in the Operations section.
Confirm your choice.
Deleting SLA Configuration
Log in as a user with the
JIRAJira Administrators global permission.
Choose > Add-ons. SelectGo to Manage apps > select SLA PowerBox > SLA Agreements to open the SLA Agreements page.
Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing
slaSLA agreements.
- Click Edit/ Delete
Click the Delete button in the Operations section.
Confirm your choice.
Changing the behaviour type
Log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission. Go to Manage apps > select SLA PowerBox > SLA Agreements to open the SLA Agreements page.
Tip: Use a Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing SLA agreements.
Select the Change Behaviour Type option from the list in the Operations section.
Confirm your choice with the Convert button.
Evaluate goal only on issue event checkbox allows configuring whether the goal will be evaluated every time or only on the issue event.