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Secure Fields adds new, security-enabled Custom Fields to your Jira.

Almost all Jira native custom field types have their secure equivalents including:

  • Secure Data Picker
  • Secure Date Time Picker
  • Secure Free Text (multi line)
  • Secure Short Text (single line)
  • Secure Select List
  • Secure Multi Select List
  • Secure Number
  • Secure Single User Picker
  • Secure Multi User Picker
  • Secure Group Picker
  • Secure Multi Group Picker
  • Secure Version
  • Secure Component

Also we deliver our own unique types of Custom Fields:

  • Secure Masked Text Field
  • Secure Password 

Secure Custom Field is very similar in operation to a built-in custom field, except that it enables permission assignment. It adds functionality that was (until now), available only for whole projects!

The configuration is based on managing Custom Field Permission Schemes, thanks to which you can administer who to add the selected permissions to.With Custom

Full security of your Custom Fields

With Secure Fields, all data access methods are secured. No one can fetch your data using API or exports.