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Safety considerations and limited access to some of the data necessitated the introduction of additional features to the search engine.
The Secure Field Plugin plugin adds "issue in search" function to the JQL. This function takes from 2 to 4 arguments rounded by quotation marks.

titlePerformance note

Please note that using the secureFieldSearch() function on large instances may cause performance issues. We strongly recommend using secureFieldSeachJQL() or secureFieldSearchFilter() functions instead. Please be aware that these functions have a parameter to enter the JQL Query/filter and we recommend using selective filters. It's not recommended to search for secure fields on a large dataset (more than 1000 issues).


3 - custom field's value
Note: the custom field's value is not required in the case of using operators such as isEmpty or isNotEmpty.

4 - case sensitive/insensitive
Note: the argument valid for operators = and != for fields: Secure Text, Secure Free Text, Secure List, Secure Multi Select List, Secure Single User Picker, Secure Multi User Picker, Secure Single Group Picker, Secure Multi Group Picker.

Operators that are defined for the particular field types are listed below:

 Secure TextSecure Free TextSecure NumberSecure ListSecure Multi Select ListSecure Single User PickerSecure Multi User PickerSecure Single Group PickerSecure Multi Group PickerSecure DateSecure Date Time
>  x      xx
>=  x      xx
<  x      xx
<=  x      xx
startsWithxx xxxxxx  
endsWithxx xxxxxx  
containsxx xxxxxx  


In large instances ,due to better performance, please refer to functions described below as they allow to search within secure fields in a limited range of issues.

Secure Field Search with JQL


This function allows to search within the result of other JQLJQLs. It takes from 3 to 5 arguments rounded by quotation marks. 

1 - Any JQL - like project = test, issuetype = Task etc...
Please keep in mind that if your JQL contains any double quotation marks " please escape them - change to \" - or change to single quotation marks '
Fore example for a JQL like project = "Some Project" change it to project = \"Some Project\"


This function allows to search within the result of a search filter. It takes from 3 to 5 arguments rounded by quotation marks. 

1 - Filter id - to obtain a filter id (the filter id it is NOT a filter name. we We are using filter id ids because of the fact that the id filter name is not unique within an instance of JIRA) please execute a filter and check your web browser address bar. Number The number after filter= will be your filter id. 
