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It's a validator that checks if related issues meet the field-based criteria. A flexible JQL-based issue selection and a number of options allow you to customize the validation.

You can use this validator to e.g.:

  • Validate whether all subtasks have a given status.
  • Disallow a transition if the parent issue has more than 2 components.
  • Disallow a transition if any subtask of the current issue is not assigned.
Element summary
Version campatibility6.0.1 - Latest
Introduced in version1.0.0

Validator parameters

  • Related Issues - as described below.
  • Issue field - a field to be used in comparison with related issues.
  • Compare type.

    You may select one of three comparison methods.

    Compare Field ValueIt compares the value of a selected field. If the field contains more than one option (e.g. a multi-select type field) all options are listed as a comma-separated text.
    Regular expressionIt allows you to compare the field value (the same as above) with a regular expression.
    Number of elementsIt returns the number of elements in the field. If the field is a simple text or a number, it returns 1 (if the field is not empty). For multi-option enabled fields, the number of elements will be returned. An empty field is always a zero.

  • Which value - this option allows you to choose which value will be used in the comparison.

    • Current Value.
    • Previous value (the last one).
    • Any historical value (excluding the current value).
  • Operator & case sensitivity - you can choose the operator for comparison and enable case sensitivity.
  • Text value - the desired value. For some fields it can be a list of values.
  • Multiple issue bahaviour - decide how to deal with if more than one issue is selected
  • Failed validation message - a message is sent to the user if the validation fails.
  • Evaluate value on - a method of validation.
    • Original issue - an issue without changes made by the user (on the transition screen).
    • Issue after transition - an issue after changes made on the transition screen (but it doesn't reflect changes made by post functions).

Working with related issues

Related issues can be selected by using two inputs:

Issue Relation - where you can choose a relation with the current (transitioned) issue;

JQL - you can put your JQL text to filter some issues from the results. If you leave the JQL Field empty, all issues in a given relation are taken into account.

In the example above you wanted to execute a workflow function on subtasks of the current issue and take additionally only the ones with the "Sub-task" and priority="High" type.


In the JQL field you can put some text tags to be replaced with actual values of the current (transitioned) issue:



The current date and time.
 $$CURRENT_USER$$The name (login) of the current user.
$$ISSUEKEY$$The key of the current issue.
 $$ISSUEID$$ID of the current issue.
 $$REPORTER$$The current issue reporter's name.


The current issue assignee's name
$$PROJECTKEY$$The project key.
$$CURRENT_STATUS$$The current issue status.
$$ISSUETYPE$$The issue type.
$$CREATED_DATE$$The date when the issue was created.


A status category of the current issue (To Do, In Progress or Done).
$$TRANSITION_NAME$$The name of an actual transition (doesn't work in Conditions)
$$TRANSITION_ID$$ID of an actual transition (doesn't work in Conditions).
$$TRANSITION_COMMENT$$The content of a transition comment (doesn't work in Conditions).

The JQL field has a built-in validation feature. If your query is incorrect, you will see a red sign next to the JQL field and an error description as shown below:

Example of use