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The Notification Queue is an additional functionality of the SLA Notifications module. It consists of notifications queued waiting to be sent and those not sent due to an error. 

On this page you can find the notifications queue. It can give you a general idea of how many emails are being generated. When the Notification queue tab is empty (see image below), it means that every notification has been successfully sent. 

If an error occurs, the notification will not be sent. Error notifications (marked in red) may be found under the Error Queue tab. 

The Notification Queue table consists of eight columns:

  • Issue - it is the issue key which the notification concerns,
  • Notification - to which template and SLA state it applies,
  • Provider - which notification provider should have delivered the notification,
  • Insert date - when the notification was inserted into the queue,
  • Last take date - when the notification was taken from the queue,
  • Next attempt date - when the plugin will try to send the message again,
  • Number of attempts - how many times the plugin will try to send the message.
    (warning)The maximum number of attempts is 5. Then the message is removed from the queue. 

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