
This post function allows you to execute any post function when a condition is met. The condition may come from a transition condition or you can use any other condition available in Jira.

It can be used for e.g.:

  • Updating an issue field if another field already has some value
  • Assigning issue to the current user if he or she is in some group

There is a similar post function that uses a validator instead of a condition. It can be very useful. Please check Validator Based Post Function.

Element summary
Version compatibility6.0.1 - Latest
Introduced in version1.0.0

Post function parameters

This post function takes the following parameters:

  • Condition
  • Evaluate condition on - a method of condition checking
    • Original issue - an issue before the changes made on the transition screen
    • Issue after transition - anĀ issue after the changes made on the transition screen
  • Inverse condition - allows you to run a post function when a condition is not met
  • Post function - a post function to be executed

Please note that conditions and post functions may require some extra parameters.

Example of use