This Quick Start Guide is designed for Project Administrators and is intended to walk you through enabling and configuring Idea Portal.

Note: This Guide assumes that the plugin is already installed on your Jira instance.

For all of the following procedures, you must be logged in as a user with the Project Administrator role.

Step 1. Enable Idea Portal

  1. Navigate to Admin menu → Projects and search for the desired project.

  2. At Project settings section locate Portal Configuration tab.

  3. Click Enable Idea Portal.

Portal has been enabled. Idea Issue Type (blue star) and Idea Default workflow are added to the Project.

Step 2. Configure Idea Portal

On the Portal Configuration page you can set the following parameters:

  1. Portal Name and Description.

  2. Portal Logo.

Step 3. Visit Idea Portal

To open a Portal click on Go to Idea Hub link or navigate to the Idea Portal tab at the project sidebar and click Visit the portal.

Step 4. Portal Permissions

Define who will have access to the Idea Portal:

Moderator - define which user(s) will manage the Idea Portal. By default - Portal moderators.

Step 5. Assign Portal Roles

Navigate to Users and roles tab to assign users to Portal roles. Locate the needed user and assign to Ideation users or Portal moderators role. Read more about Idea Portal Roles.

Step 6. Portal Sections

Portal Sections are grouped lists of Ideas displayed on the Portal main page. There are 3 default sections (My ideas, Newest, All) which can be modified or removed from Portal.

On the Portal Configuration page, you can add, edit or remove Sections. Read more about Sections configuration.