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You can search for Posts by Portal Comments or Portal Votes fields.

To search through Portal Comments field use '=' operator and following functions:

  • commentedInPortalBy()

  • commentsCount("", "")

  • internalCommentBy()

  • internalCommentsCount("", "")

  • publicCommentsCount("", "")

  • withAuthorsCommentedBy()

  • withAuthorsCommentsCount("", "")

Portal Votes field

Valid operators: >, >=, =, !=, <=, <, is, is not.

Available functions:

  • downVotes("", "")

  • totalVotes("", "")

  • upVotes("", "")

  • votedIdeasByUser()

View Statistics field

Valid operators: >, >=, =, !=, <=, <, is, is not.

Available functions:

  • thisWeek("", "")

Searching resolved posts

  • markedAsResolved()

  • markedAsResolvedBy("")

  • No labels