This post function allows you to update a user field (the assignee by default, but it can be any user picker field). Users can be selected from groups or roles (a multiple selection is allowed). There are several user selection strategies available.
This powerful post function can be used, e.g. in the following scenarios:
- Automatic issues assignment to Service Management operators (randomly),
- Workload optimization,
- Round Robin issues assignment,
- Assign an issue to the most experienced user.
Element summary | |
Status | CURRENT |
Version compatibility | 6.0.1 - Latest |
Supported | Yes |
Introduced in version | 1.0.0 |
Post function parameters
This post function takes the following parameters:
- A field to be updated (a field to be assigned to a user) - a field to be updated in this post function. It's the assignee by default, but you can update any user field in your issue.
- Check the assignable permission - prevents from assigning the issue to the user who doesn't have the assignable permission. If unchecked, every user can be assigned to it.
- A Group/Role selector (assign someone) - groups or roles to pick the users to be selected. You can choose one or more elements.
- Assign strategy - a method of user selection
- Assign randomly - select a random user from groups or roles selected above.
- Assign alphabetically - select users in alphabetical order (by username). Jira remembers the last selected user (for each project and group/role separately). It implements the Round-Robin (or carousel) alghoritm. If the last user is reached, selection starts from the beginning.
- Assign to user who is in the highest number of issues - selects a user who is (in the selected field) in the highest number of issues returned by the JQL Search.
- Assign to a user who is in the lowest number of issues - selects a user who is (in selected field) in the lowest number of issues (or no issues) returned by the JQL Search.
- Assign to user from the first JQL issue returned - the first applicable user will be used.
- Assign randomly - select a random user from groups or roles selected above.
- Assign only when empty - runs only if a given field is not empty
- Issue relation and JQL - optional - see below.
- Exclude users from assigning - allows you to exclude some users (e.g. exclude the reporter from candidates to assign).
Working with related issues
Related issues can be selected by using two inputs:
Issue Relation - where you can choose a relation with the current (transitioned) issue;
JQL - you can put your JQL text to filter some issues from the results. If you leave the JQL Field empty, all issues in a given relation are taken into account.
In the example above you wanted to execute a workflow function on subtasks of the current issue and take additionally only the ones with the "Sub-task" and priority="High" type.
In the JQL field you can put some text tags to be replaced with actual values of the current (transitioned) issue:
Tag | Description |
$$CURRENT_DATETIME$$ | The current date and time. |
$$CURRENT_USER$$ | The name (login) of the current user. |
$$ISSUEKEY$$ | The key of the current issue. |
$$ISSUEID$$ | ID of the current issue. |
$$REPORTER$$ | The current issue reporter's name. |
$$ASSIGNEE$$ | The current issue assignee's name |
$$PROJECTKEY$$ | The project key. |
$$CURRENT_STATUS$$ | The current issue status. |
$$ISSUETYPE$$ | The issue type. |
$$CREATED_DATE$$ | The date when the issue was created. |
$$CURRENT_STATUS_CATEGORY$$ | A status category of the current issue (To Do, In Progress or Done). |
$$TRANSITION_NAME$$ | The name of an actual transition (doesn't work in Conditions) |
$$TRANSITION_ID$$ | ID of an actual transition (doesn't work in Conditions). |
$$TRANSITION_COMMENT$$ | The content of a transition comment (doesn't work in Conditions). |
The JQL field has a built-in validation feature. If your query is incorrect, you will see a red sign next to the JQL field and an error description as shown below: