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Notification Templates are reusable messages that are sent in reaction to SLA Events. Each template is assigned to a selected Provider. In order to add a template to a scheme, you have to create a Notification Provider and enable it first. Each template enables you to select various message options. These options are fully customizable so you can choose the provider, name, description, issue key, and subject of the message. 

Creating a Notification Template

  1. Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission.

  2. Navigate to Admin menu →  Manage apps. Select SLA PowerBox → Notification Templates to open the SLA Notification Templates page.
    Tip: Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing notification templates...

  3. Click the Add Template button.

  4. Fill in all required fields which are listed and described below.

  5. Confirm your choice with the Create button.  

Providers in Templates

Your message template view depends on the notification provider selected before. The Provider has to be enabled if you want to assign it to a template. 

Configuration Fields

Name - Allows identifying your notification.

Description - A short description of the notification.

Notification Provider - Allows you to choose a provider (added in the Notification Providers tab).

Subject - The subject of your notification. This will be visible in the recipient's mailbox.

Email format - text/plain means that the email will be composed of a plain text, without any formatting. text/html allows to add the HTML formatting.

Message - Enter the text of your notification here. You can add numerous variables (tags) that will be uploaded automatically from Jira. You can use these to configure each message content to show different pieces of information extracted from the selected issue, e.g. to control the issue resolution time, the current logged in user, or the original time estimate.
This allows you to highlight the most important points of your message, which is useful if you want to draw the recipient’s attention to specific pieces of information instantly.

Issue Key - If you add tags to the message, you can preview them using data from a sample issue. To do that, enter a sample issue key (e.g. "SD-11") into the Issue Key field.

SLA field - Select an SLA field that will be shown in the notification preview.

Show message preview - Clicking this button allows to preview the notification in a separate window.

Calendar - Select a calendar if you want this message to be sent only at specific times (e.g. working hours).

Additional JQL - An additional JQL condition allows you to send the notification for specific issues only so that the number of issue matches is reduced. It is particularly useful when e.g. your issue is critical.


To view the list of tags, click on the (question)  icon. 

Editing a Notification Template

  1. Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission.

  2. Navigate to Admin menu →  Manage apps. Select SLA PowerBox → Notification Templates to open the SLA Notification Templates page.
    Tip: Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing notification templates...

  3. Select Edit in the Operations section. 

  4. Make needed changes.

  5. Confirm with the Save button. 

Providers list when disabled

If a Provider has been disabled, it will not be available on the list in the Edit Notification Template view. 

Deleting a Notification Template

  1. Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission.

  2. Navigate to Admin menu →  Manage apps. Select SLA PowerBox → Notification Templates to open the SLA Notification Templates page.
    Tip: Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing notification templates...

  3. Select Delete in the Operations section. 

  4. Confirm with the Delete button. 

Deletion info

Templates already assigned to a Notification Scheme cannot be deleted.