
As a Jira administrator you can control the following aspects of the transitions behavior: ConditionsValidators and Post functions

A transition links two statuses so that an issue can move from one status to another. A transition is a 'must' when an issue has to be moved between two statuses.

It is a one-way link only, so if you want to move an issue back and forth, you have to create two transitions. 

SLA PowerBox features

The SLA PowerBox plugin comes with dedicated workflow conditions, validators and post functions. If you are not familiar with Jira workflows, read more here.

The SLA PowerBox plugin allows Jira Administrators to integrate SLA calculations with workflows. This feature brings new workflow elements that operate on transitions. 

Conditions offered by the SLA PowerBox plugin:

  1. SLA Metric Breached Condition 
  2. SLA Metric State Condition
  3. SLA Metric time Condition
  4. Is Working Day - CSL Calendar - Condition
  5. Is Working Day - SLA Metric - Condition

Validators offered by the SLA PowerBox plugin:

  1. SLA Metric Breached validator
  2. SLA Metric Status validator
  3. SLA Metric Time validator.

Post functions offered by the SLA PowerBox plugin:

  1. [SLA PowerBox] Return to SLA Actions Checkpoint
  2. [SLA PowerBox] Set SLA Actions Checkpoint
  3. [SLA PowerBox] Trigger SLA Action on a current issue
  4. [SLA PowerBox] Trigger SLA Action on a related issue
  5. [SLA PowerBox] Worklog post function 
  6. Post Function: Set a date for the number of workdays ahead

Those functions can be performed on active workflows i.e. which are currently used by a project. Whenever you create a new Jira project, your project automatically uses the default workflow scheme.

You can modify workflows as Jira at first creates a draft of every workflow. Then you can publish your draft and / or save your original workflow as an inactive backup.  Read more about configuring workflows

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