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You must have the JIRA Project Administrator's permission to carry out the instructions on this page.

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators' global permission.

  2. Navigate to your project → Settings → Apps → Configure Secure Fields.

  3. Click on three dots in the Actions section → Edit.

  4. Set desired configuration and save the changes.

Field description (optional)

You can add a short or extended description for your Secure field if necessary.

Applicable Issue Types

Define issue types for which the Secure field will be applicable.


Relevant permissions have to be granted to allow a particular group of users to view or/and edit the Secure field value.




Manages the visibility of Secure fields.


Allows editing the field value.


Allows viewing the history of changes applied to the field.

Team-managed project

Permissions can be granted on the basis of the Project role memberships.

Company-managed project

Permissions can be granted on the basis of the Project role memberships.

Read more about managing project role membership in Jira Cloud…


Depending on your needs, you can make the Secure field mandatory.

Drag the Required button to the right side to make the field mandatory or drag it to the left, if the field is not required.

Update role membership button

Secure Fields app reads role membership state every 30 minutes. E.g. a user who was just granted a role membership won’t be able to access the secure field immediately.

In order to apply the changes right away, you can use Update role membership button which will update the role membership setup instantly.