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  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose  > Issues. Select Workflows > Post functions Templates to open the Condition Templates page.
    (info) Tip: Use Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing post function templates
  3. Click the Edit Template button.

Executing post function template

 Executing a template means nothing more than adding a template to the chosen transition in a workflow. In order to do so you have to:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
    Choose Image Added > Issues. Select Workflows > Workflows to open the workflows page.
    (info) Tip: Use Keyboard shortcutg + g + start typing workflows
  2. As soon as you will have all workflows listed you have to select one of them and click Edit button in Operations section. You will be redirected to Edit Worklow page where you can see all the transitions that take place
    Image Added
  3. Click desired transition and than choose which of the worfklow elements you want to extend (conditions, validator, post functions) with a predefined template by clicking Add post function
    Image Added
  4. From the list of conditions choose Validator Templates option and confirm with Add button
    Image Added
  5. Choose desired earlier created pre-defined template and add those parameters to your post function.
  6. Your template will be added to the list of post functions that will be run for this particular transition.
    Image Added

Disabling template

Once your template is active you can always disabled it.
