This API is dedicated to use when users have no access to JWT. User must have Jira Permission to browse users and groups.
Three request headers must be set beforehand:
email - email address of the user, who will be accessing API
jira-host - address of Jira Cloud instance
api-token - token created by the user who will be accessing the API
This endpoint allows to get all Secure field values for the given issue. Only users with READ permission can see the secure values.
Endpoint updates all Secure field values for the given issue. Only users with WRITE permission can update values.
GlobalConfigurationId of the Secure field is required and can be obtained by using a GET endpoint described above.
where issueId is the id of the issue.
Get Secure fields history records. Only users with HISTORY permission can access the records.
Parameters as page ($int32) and size ($int32) are required.