Let's practice! 💪
Firstly, log in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.
The second thing to do as admin starting to use the application is to create the first Announcement.
To do this, go to the Feed tab in the Top Menu and select from the list: Manage feeds.
After clicking "Manage feeds" you can see the announcement's admins page, in which you can manage a Feeds and Announcements.
Now from the left bar (FEEDS) choose your feed.
Then on the other side form the right bar (ANNOUNCEMENTS) find and click the "+ Add New Announcement" button.
After that a new window will show up, in which you can create a Announcement in 3 steps.
Step 1 - Announcement Type
At this point you can specify type (Single Issue, Multiple Issue, Simple Text or Confluence Announcement).
Step 2 - Define
This part is responsible for:
- Announcement name & description, Issue, JQL filter or Confluence link
- Start and End date - when announcement will start and end be visible for users
- Redirect URLs - on which page users will be redirected after click Approve, Reject or Dismiss button
Note: You can leave this field empty, then users will stay in Jira.
Step 3 - Preview
Here you can see how your announcement will look like.
If it's look different than you want you can click Previous button or check your Feed's configuration.