The Challenge

Support Team consists of 1st, 2nd and 3rd (dev team) levels of support.

Together they handle incidents which are categorized into 4 different priority levels. 

There are 3 different SLA agreements in place: Time to First Response, Time to Resolution and Root Cause Fix Time (if applicable). Time limits for each SLA are set depending on Incident priority. 

Additionally, teams operate in different schedules: 1 Line Support is available 24/7 while 2nd and 3rd line teams work 8 hrs a day, 5 days per week. 

The Solution

Thanks to the SLA PowerBox app Team Manager can configure separate clocks for each SLA.

The time limit for each metric will be defined based on the Incident priority. Further, SLA PowerBox allows the configuration of different calendars.

Incident Priority Time to First Response Time to Resolution Root Cause fix time
Critical1 business hour6 business hours2 business days
High2 business hours2 business days6 business days
Medium4 business hours6 business days10 business days
Low6 business hours8 business days15 business days
1st Line Support24/7
2nd Line Support8/5
3rd Line Support8/5

Following the instruction on SLA Calendar page, we have configured 2 different Calendars: one for 1st Line Support team which is active 24/7 and another one for 2nd and 3rd Lines of Support.

Please describe some usecases of SLA PowerBox 
give examples of configuration and expected behaviour of the metric U can use demo conf but please use also

so we will have 3 in total