Standard issue fields

Tag nameDescription
$$summary$$The issue's summary.
$$description$$The issue's description.
$$assignee$$The assignee's name. 
reporter$$The reporter's name.
key$$The current issue key.
$$status$$The current issue status (an attachment created in a post function becomes sensitive to the post function order)
$$target_status$$The current issue status (an attachment created in a post function always contains the target status of the transition)
$$original_status$$The current issue status (an attachment created in a post function always contains the source status of the transition)
$$duedate$$The Issue's due date.
$$priority$$The priority name.
$$customfield_(\d+)$$It inserts the value of a custom field with a given ID. Example: $$customfield_10000$$ - the value of a custom field with the ID 10000.
$$customfield_(\d+).display_name$$It inserts the value of a custom field with a given ID. Example: $$customfield_10000.display_name$$ - the value of a custom field with the ID 10000.
$$created_date$$The created issue's date and time. 
$$updated_date$$Last updated issue's date and time.
$$resolution_date$$The ssue's resolution date.
$$labels_name$$A list od issue's labels.
$$parent_object_key$$For subtasks, it is a parent issue key, whereas for other issues it shows an empty text.
$$components$$The issue's components name separated with a comma.
$$resolution_name$$The resolution's name.
$$security_level$$The name of the issue's security level.
$$fix_versions$$Fix versions (comma-separated).
$$affected_versions$$Affected versions (comma-separated).

Comments and worklogs

Tag nameDescription
$$comments$$Issue's comments details i.e. the name of the comment's author, the comment's date and body.
$$num_comments$$The number of comments in the issue.
$$estimate$$The current estimate. Time formatted as set up in Jira.
$$original_estimate$$The original estimate. Time formatted as set up in Jira.

Subtasks, linked issues and attachments

Tag nameDescription
$$num_linkedissues$$The number of linked issues.
$$linkedissues$$Linked issues details. It inserts the name of link type, the linked issue summary, the status name, the created date, reporter and assignee names for each issue.
$$subtasks$$Subtasks details. It inserts the subtask summary, the status name, the created date, reporter and assignee names for each subtask.
$$num_subtasks$$The number of subtasks.
$$attachments$$Attachments details. It inserts the name of each attachment, their size and creation dates.

Watchers and voters

Tag nameDescription
$$watches_count$$The number of watchers.
$$watchers$$A list of isssue watchers.
$$votes_count$$The number of votes.

Project properties

It is possible to get standard properties for a project part of which is an issue.

Tag nameDescription
$$project_name$$The project's name.
$$project_key$$The project's key.
$$project_lead_user_name$$The project's lead.
$$project_description$$The project's description.

Session data

Tag nameDescription
$$current_datetime$$The current date and time.
$$current_date$$The current date (no time part included).
$$current_user$$The logged-in user.

Custom fields

Tag nameDescription
$$customfield_ID$$It inserts the value of a custom field with a given ID. E.g. $$customfield_10000$$ - the value of a custom field with the ID 10000.
$$customfield_ID.display_name$$It inserts the value of a custom field with a given ID. Example: $$customfield_10000.display_name$$ - the value of a custom field with the ID 10000.

Advanced tag splitting

In order to parse more complex data, you can use an advanced splitting mode for each tag. In order to initiate this mechanism, just change the desired tag by adding new parameters.
There are 3 mandatory parameters, each of them separated by square brackets []:

  • The first parameter determines the character used to separate data within each line. 
  • The second parameter determines between which occurrences of the character a separator will be used.
  • The third parameter determines a line range.

The allowed range of characters in brackets is as follows:

- [x:y] or [x:y] - separate data from a separator or a line x to a separator or a line y,

- [a:] or [a:] - separate data from a separator or a line a to the end of the field content,

- [:x] or [:x] - separate data from the beginning to a separator or a line x,

- [:] or [:] - separate data for each separator or line,

- [] or [] - do not separate data.


We have to insert the $$description:[/][:1][:]$$ tag.

The issue's description contains the following text:

John Doe / Marketing Coordinator
Lucy McMillis / Development Lead
Anthony Pierce / Accountant

In order to retrieve the following value, you should add split parameters to the tag. They will separate values in columns or rows.

John Doe
Lucy McMillis
Anthony Pierce

  • No labels