Please note that all Jira worklogs (including worklogs logged via AppTime) can be viewed in the issue by any user with Browse Project permission.

AppTime tab on the issue view screen allows users to log work and access the existing work records.

Worklogs are displayed chronologically as set of rows with the default columns: User, Date, Time and Work description. Extra columns such as Issue key and Billable can be added by clicking on "Columns" button and selecting the required data to display.

Additionally, all custom attributes added by users can be displayed as columns.

Settings button set allows to refresh the worklogs and to include sub-levels. Including sub-levels means to display the worklogs from the issues in relation to the current issue e.g. Epic or sub-task.

How to log work via AppTime

To log work, simply click on the "Log Work" button and fill in the required data.  Log work window is customizable and contains standard fields + added custom attributes.

The standard fields include:

  • Template - pre-saved template. Template includes fields as Description and Billable that will be automatically filled with pre-saved data. To save a template, fill in the worklog information and select "Save template" in the drop-down list of Log Time button (shown in the screenshot). Once the template is saved, it can be selected and re-used as many times as needed.
  • Issue - Jira issue to which the work will be logged. It's filled in automatically when logging work from the issue view screen. When logging work from Timesheets screen, user selects the respective issue.
  • Log period - if checked, allows to add multiple worklogs at once. Days off (if set in the settings) can be either excluded or included when adding worklogs for the given period of time.
  • Date - date on which the worklog will be registered.
  • Worked - amount of time to log. Allowed format: minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w).
  • Work description - description of the work performed. Usually includes details of the task etc.
  • Billable - amount of time that will be used for billing purposes. It is filled by default with the time from the Worked field but can be modified manually by the user.

Check "Log another" for the window to reopen automatically after the current worklog is saved.

Work logs can be displayed as a list, chart or in bar format. Work logs can be sorted on the basis of work logging user, date of entry, or logged amount of time.

Edit a Worklog

It is possible for users to modify their own work logs at any given time.

  1. Navigate to the AppTime tab in the issue.

  2. Locate needed work record → Actions → Edit.

  3. Make necessary changes → click Log time to save.

Delete a Worklog

Users can remove their own work logs:

  1. Navigate to the AppTime tab in the issue.

  2. Locate needed work record → Actions → Delete.

  3. Click Confirm button.