
It's a validator that verifies the number of issues in Jira with the same field value as in the current issue. A flexible JQL-based issue selection and a number of operators allow you to customize the validation.

You can use this validator for (e.g.):

  • Preventing users from reporting too many issues per day.
  • Disallowing working on too many issues at the same time.

Element summary
Version campatibility6.0.1 - Latest
Introduced in version1.0.0

Validator parameters

  • Related Issues - as described below.
  • Issue field - a field to be used in comparison to related issues.
  • Operator - a math operator to compare related issues counted with a given number.
  • Target value - the expected number of issues to pass the validation.
  • Failed validation message - a message is sent to the user if the validation fails.
  • Evaluate value on - a method of validation.
    • Original issue - an issue without changes made by the user (on the transition screen).
    • Issue after transition - an issue after changes made on the transition screen (but it doesn't reflect changes made by post functions).

Example of use