1-St line of support
Create a Support Ticket on CoreSoft Labs Almarise Service Desk available on:
With Request Type: Data Center Help Stating the following information:
Size of Instance
Total User count,
Total Issue count
Total Custom Fields count
Number The number of application nodes instance node instances runs on
Hardware Specs of machines each node runs on, including:
Processor cores
Total RAM memory
Average RAM usage over the last 30 days
Database Engine instance runs on,
A version of JIRA,
Name and version of the App,
A detailed description of the configuration of plugin components, and related to it JIRA objects like
users, groups, group membership’smemberships, project, project roles, project roles memberships.
Step-by-step description/list of operations that lead to the occurrence of unexpected/unwanted
Logs from node from time of unexpected/unwanted behavior including logs from package
com.coresoftlabs (or com.almarise) on DEBUG level.level
At least one additional (to the reporter) contact person
2. If no response within 24 hours (Monday – Friday)
send Send an email message to supportapps.support@mail.escalation@coresoftlabsalmarise.com providing providing the following information:
Issue Key from Support System and date/time of its creation.